The School of the Arts is inviting applications for summer internships to run during June and July 2019.
Interns will design and produce a range of multimedia resources to help improve student academic skills, as part of a campaign running throughout the 2019/20 academic year. We are interested in developing resources which will effectively engage our increasingly diverse student body.
Interns will work as part of a small team with fellow students and academic supervisors to research best practice from across the HE sector, and draw on their own student experiences, to develop a range of accessible and engaging multimedia resources which will raise awareness of good academic practice amongst School of the Arts students.
Resources developed through the project may include written guides as well as multimedia assets eg. graphics, infographics, gifs, whiteboard animations or videos, on topics such as:
- How to use feedback to improve
- How to write a great essay
- Why you should avoid essay mills
Other topics may emerge as the project develops.
Key skills
We’re looking for interns who can:
- Demonstrate understanding of diverse student experiences in UK HE
- Research best practice in the HE sector
- Engage a diverse student audience
- Produce creative and engaging multimedia assets
- Design an innovative 9 month social media campaign
- Work as part of a team
Interns will develop these skills during the project, gaining practical experience in research, teamwork, digital media production and social media campaigning. Interns will develop confidence in the workplace and gain insight into the Higher Education industry.
Is the internship paid?
Successful applicants will receive £200 a week tax-free stipend during their placement. The duration of the internship will be agreed with the successful candidates.
Working arrangements
We are looking for interns who are available from the end of the semester 2 assessment period until late July. Interns will need to attend work in 19-23 Abercromby Square for 2-3 days per week. The remaining hours will be completed on a flexible/independent basis.
How do I apply?
Complete Academic Skills Internship Application Form
Email the completed form, by 5pm Monday 29th April, to Dr Kerry Traynor at ktraynor@liverpool.ac.uk.
If your application is chosen, you will be invited for a short interview to get a better idea of your interest in the subject, the skills and experience you would bring to the project, and what you’re looking to gain from the project.
The successful applicant will then be contacted and details will be confirmed by the project lead.
If you have any questions, please email Dr Kerry Traynor at ktraynor@liverpool.ac.uk.