Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Charter

Our charter reflects The School of the Arts principal rules for achieving equality of opportunity for all staff, academics and students of the school. The School of Arts is committed to promote equality and excellence, by encouraging a high-quality inclusive education for all students, and promoting a supportive environment for all employees. We will work with all our key stakeholders to ensure that the promotion of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is woven into the fabric of our School ethos.

Key Principles

  • Respect We will work cohesively with staff, students and key stakeholders to encourage a culture where everyone receives respect and can voice their diverse needs, knowing that they will be heard.
  • Fairness We will work in a way which promotes equality, diversity and inclusion which does not discriminate against any of our staff or students.
  • Honesty We will work to ensure that our practices are transparent and open to scrutiny.
  • Providing opportunity, we will work towards a culture where all staff and students have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
  • Expertise and excellence, we will work to high standards to ensure that the diverse needs of staff and students are recognised and met.

Our objectives are: -

  • to protect the characteristics of the Equality Act 2010 on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation
  • to recognise that within our workplaces, there are many people who experience discrimination and inequality on the grounds of race, sex, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, colour, class, caring responsibilities, marital status, sexuality, gender identity, gender reassignment, disability, age or other reasons based on their status or personal characteristics. This is not acceptable.
  • to promote policies, procedures and learning practices that are fair to all, and to opposite all forms of discrimination and inequality in line with the University’s policies.
  • to ensure that those who experience inequality have a voice and are able to participate fully in all our Schools work/activities/classes and events.
  • to support and encourage under-represented groups to become more actively engaged in our School’s activities and decision-making process; and to continue to build networks for underrepresented groups, to reduce isolation and to support them to realise their full potential.
  • To support students by delivering a curriculum that helps foster equality, diversity and inclusion. To take full consideration of differences in culture and difficulties in participation to learning. To include ethnic history and culture, and to highlight role models in our curriculum. To understand the diverse range of academic and language skills required in the classroom.
  • to ensure our publications are accessible and available in alternative formats, such as large print, Braille or audiotape. Any images used for the School will fully reflect our diversity in a positive way.
  • to clearly signpost support available to staff and students suffering from all forms of harassment, bullying and intimidation by effectively using the University’s Report and Support system.


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