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Pietro Pezzani is an ARB registered architect, lecturer, and a PhD researcher at Kingston School of Art. His research is about the aesthetics and politics of spatial targeting in the history of British planning and transnational governance.
He studied at Politecnico di Milano, ETSA Madrid and Goldsmiths University.
He gained professional experience in several firms in Milan – Stefano Boeri Architetti, Baukuh – and London. In 2012 he was on the curatorial board and designer for an exhibition on informal settlements promoted by the Secretarìa Municipal de Habitação de São Paulo (BR). In 2013 he founded the office Forestieri Pace Pezzani in Milan, where he was responsible for schemes at diverse scales – from international urban design competitions to interiors.
His work has been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale, Politecnico di Milano, and the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art.
Hi projects and articles have been published internationally on Bracket (Actar), Divisare Books and San Rocco Magazine.
Since 2009, he has taught Urban Design and Architectural Design studios at Politecnico di Milano, Interior Design studios at the Milan New Fine Art Academy (NABA), Survey of British Architecture at Syracuse University London, and Architectural Design at Liverpool School of Architecture.
At LSA, he is a member of the Urban Form Social Space and the Housing research clusters.