
Carl Hopkins

Professor Carl Hopkins

Carl is Head of the Acoustics Research Unit. His research interests include the prediction and measurement of sound and vibration in and around built-up structures, with emphasis on structure-borne sound transmission.

For more information, visit his staff profile

Dr Pyoung Jik Lee

Dr Pyoung Jik Lee

Pyoung Jik is a Senior Lecturer in the Acoustics Research Unit. His research interests include psychoacoustics, soundscapes, environmental noise, speech privacy, impact sound insulation, and room acoustics.

For more information, visit his staff profile

Gary Seiffert

Dr Gary Seiffert

Senior Research Fellow within the Unit. His main areas of expertise are in acoustic instrumentation and measurement techniques. His research interests include work in physical acoustics to investigate the possibilities of using sonic cleaning to dislodge dust and to clean industrial plant that is not easily accessible.

For more information, visit his staff profile

Natalie Barker

Natalie Barker

Natalie is a part-time Research Associate in music education for children with a hearing impairment. She is a trained musician and music teacher and her work in the Acoustics Research Unit focuses on the introduction of vibrotactile technology into schools.

For more details see

Emeritus Staff

Barry Gibbs

Professor Barry Gibbs

His research interests include structure-borne sound, machinery noise, vibration and sound insulation. He serves on national and international standards committees and has acted as consultant in room acoustics, environmental noise and for noise control engineering.

For more information, visit his staff profile

David Oldham

Professor David Oldham

His research interests are the fields of noise control in building services, the enhancement of room acoustics by active techniques and computer modelling in acoustics. He is also responsible for liaison with professional institutions.

For more information, visit his staff profile

Honorary Roles

Dave Poley

Dave Poley

Recently retired after a distinguished career as an Environmental Health Officer with over 35 years experience of environmental protection and pollution control, Dave is an active member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and the Institute of Acoustics. As Sefton's Environment Section Manager, with responsibility for noise control and prevention, he gained extensive experience of dealing with noise nuisance from a wide range of industrial, commercial and domestic sources and a comprehensive knowledge of the legal, planning and licensing issues associated with noise control. Dave is involved with the provision of CPD courses in environmental noise with Dr Gary Seiffert.

Postgraduate Researchers

Young asian man wearing a scarf, glasses and winter coat.

Bangzheng Gao

Acoustics Research Unit

Bangzheng graduated with a Master of Science degree in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology (2024) and a Bachelor of Science degree from Wuhan University of Technology (2021). His PhD aims to understand problematic vibration in museum buildings that is transmitted into display cases which can cause damage to precious objects. The research combines experimental and predictive modelling and is supervised by Prof. Carl Hopkins and Dr Gary Seiffert.

Nazmiye Gulenay Yilmaz

Nazmiye Gulenay Yilmaz

Acoustics Research Unit

Nazmiye Gulenay graduated from the Bilkent University with a BA in interior architecture and environmental design in 2015. She completed her Master's Degree in University of the Arts London in Interior and Spatial Design in 2017. She joined the Acoustics Research Unit in February 2019 as a full-time PhD student under the supervision of Dr PJ Lee and Prof. Carl Hopkins. Her research concerns the effects of sound on the perceived enclosure in urban environments such as street canyon and courtyard.

Song Ziwei

Song Ziwei

Acoustics Research Unit

Song Ziwei graduated with a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in architecture from the University of Dundee in June 2019. He achieved the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Part 2 and joined the Acoustics Research Unit in October 2019 as a full-time PhD student under the supervision of Dr PJ Lee and Prof. Carl Hopkins. His research concerns the effects of noise in hospitals, especially ICUs.