The Acoustics Research Unit (ARU) specialises in research, supervision of postgraduate research study (PhD and MPhil), training, knowledge exchange and consultancy. The research focuses on airborne sound and structure-borne sound in the fields of engineering acoustics, building acoustics, room acoustics, audio acoustics, psychoacoustics, speech intelligibility, privacy and security, human vibration (including vibrotactile stimuli), environmental noise and industrial acoustics (sonic cleaning). Particular emphasis is placed on the development of prediction models with validation using laboratory experiments, development of new measurement procedures, and experimental studies on subjective evaluation.
In the last research assessment exercise, the Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021), the department was ranked joint 5th in the sector for research classified as world leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*) overall (covering outputs, impact and environment) out of 38, and 7th in the sector for world leading (4*) outputs out of 38. Our outstanding (4*) research impact increased by 87% compared to REF 2014.
Physically, the ARU offices and laboratories are situated in the Department of Engineering (Harrison Hughes building) at the University of Liverpool. These laboratories include an anechoic chamber, a semi-anechoic chamber, two reverberant chambers and an audiometric booth with state-of-the-art instrumentation for sound and vibration measurement.
PhD and MPhil studies by research are supervised by academic staff in the ARU and can either be registered in the School of Engineering or the School of Architecture depending on the topic and the preference of the candidate.
The ARU has a sustained record of success in obtaining research funding from research councils, UK government, European funding, industrial, manufacturing and commercial sources. In addition, the group has strong links with researchers in Brazil, China, France, Germany, Korea and Switzerland as well as with the UK Institute of Acoustics.
For research and postgraduate enquiries (PhD, MPhil) please contact:
Professor Carl Hopkins (+44 (0) 151 794 4938,
For consultancy and CPD enquiries please contact:
Dr Gary Seiffert (+44 (0) 151 794 4939,
Acoustics Research Unit
School of Architecture
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 7ZN
United Kingdom