PhD students present their research at major international conference

Five of the School’s PhD students (Fahad Alyami, Yara Ayyad, Yahya Lavafpour, Oluwatobiloba Ogurin and Roy Sigalingging) presented their work at the 33rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), which was held in Edinburgh, 3-5 July 2017.
PLEA is a worldwide organisation dedicated to sustainable architecture and urban design, and it convenes a major international conference annually. The presented papers, which are published as part of three volumes of proceedings, were:
Fahad Alyami and Steve Sharples Envelope design and thermal comfort performance in a high-rise office building in Saudi Arabia
Yara Ayyad and Steve Sharples Outdoor thermal comfort in a hot urban climate: analysing the impact of creating wind passageways in Al-Moski, Egypt using ENVI_MET
Yahya Lavafpour and Steve Sharples The influence of façade design on the optimum window to wall ratio and overheating rate in UK Passivhaus dwellings for current and future climates
Oluwatobiloba Ogurin and Steve Sharples Impact of building envelope construction on thermal comfort: a parametric analysis of modern, low income housing in south-west Nigeria for current and future climates
Roy Sigalingging, David Chow and Steve Sharples Assessing cooling energy load and dehumidification in housing built to Passivhaus standard in Jakarta, Indonesia