North West Timber Trade Association Student Architect Prize 2017

The North West Timber Trade Association has announced the winners of this years Student Architect Prize 2017 and offers its conragtulations to BA3 students Ms Lucy Lundberg and Mr Yukun Li, their tutors Ms Emma Curtin and Mr Richard Dodd, and the Liverpool School of Architecture.
The North West Timber Trade Association are once again proud to be sponsoring the very talented third year students from the Liverpool School of Architecture. The students brief for this year was to design a building or structure with the “Most Innovative use of Timber'. Mr. Andrew Wright and Mr. Ben Callas from the NWTTA Committee had a very difficult job choosing the winner for 2017 and commented on the very high standards and talent in all the student competition entries. Unable to choose one outright winner we have decided to split the prize and award two excellent, very different projects.
• Ms. Lucy Lundberg for the Growing a community Housing Project (Bredstapel), showing a very innovative use of softwood. What really impressed us about this nomination is that the student had taken time to research a material the considered the whole journey of wood including recycling. Also am method of construction had also been researched and carefully considered using a very simple and traditional method of jointing softwood timber with dowels for structural applications. It showed a good understanding of the real potential timber has as a construction material.
• Yukun Li for the Pant Du winery in Wales. The project showed off timber to its true potential with both engineered structural elements and the decorative use of timber for external fabric being made entirely from wood. The free flowing design of the roof and the clever use of the timber to reflect elements from both the surrounding environment and am Vine highlighted the versatility and durability of timber.
Lucy and Yukun recieving prizes at the Crown Plaze, 24th March 2017
Special thank you to James Latham for kindly sponsoring the NWTTA Student Architect Prize 2017.