Architecture and the Unconscious Book Launch

We would like to invite you to an evening of discussion to celebrate the publication of Architecture and the Unconscious (Routledge, 2016) edited by John Hendrix and Lorens Holm.
5-8:00pm Friday 9 December 2016, Room G01, Central House, 14 Upper Woburn Place, Kings Cross, London WC1H 0NN, The Bartlett, UCL.
Contributors to Architecture and the Unconscious: Andrew Ballantyne, Kati Blom, Hugh Campbell, Emma Cheatle, Gordana Fontana-Giusti, John Hendrix, Lorens Holm, Stephen Kite, Christina Malathouni (School of Architecture, University of Liverpool), Tim Martin, Francesco Proto, Jane Rendell, Nikos Sideris, Alla Vronskaya.
Hosted by Lorens Holm, University of Dundee, and Jane Rendell, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.
Including presentations by Emma Cheatle, University of Newcastle; John Hendrix, Roger Williams University, Rhode Island; Lorens Holm, University of Dundee; Tim Martin, Ravensbourne; and Jane Rendell, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.
And responses from David Bell, Past President British Psychoanalytic Society; and Consultant Psychiatrist, The Tavistock Clinic; Lesley Caldwell, Psychoanalyst BPA, and Honorary Professor UCL Psychoanalysis Unit; and Patrick Lynch, Lynch Architects London, and University of Liverpool.
Followed by open discussion with the audience.
The event is free and open to the public. No booking required.