LSA visit to the Yorkshire Sculptural Park

BA3 Studio 2 recently visited the Yorkshire Sculptural Park (YSP) and David Chipperfield’s Hepworth Museum in Wakefield. Michael Posso, a third year student, summarises his impressions of the trip. “It was an extremely interesting opportunity, providing a different outlook on exhibiting artwork. In the YSP, the gallery in the landscape, the open spaces and the trees acted as partitions between the sculptures; the intentional composition of the pieces created framed views within the natural environment. An autumnal pallet gave a sense of time and space, which is important in the way we interact with architecture.
On the other hand the Hepworth Museum, being at the centre of the urban settlement of Wakefield, it resembled a castle with its changing mono-pitched roofscapes and a grand entrance as you approached the concrete gallery over a bridge. The interior quality of spaces did not overshadow the artwork: an intelligent strategy in distributing natural light and the varied dimensions of spaces, which compelled you to move through the gallery rooms”.
Studio 2, run by Marco Iuliano with Emma Curtin, Peter Farrall, James Jones and Ian Scullion, next spring will visit a selection of contemporary architectures in London.