The Rationalist Reader Book Launch

The Liverpool School of Architecture is proud to announce the launch of The Rationalist Reader, Architecture And Rationalism In Western Europe 1920 - 1940 / 1960 - 1990.
Co-Edited by the school's Senior Lecturer Torsten Schmiedeknecht and Andrew Peckham, the Rationalist Reader incorporates the first documentary collection of writing on rationalism in twentieth century architecture, providing an accessible introduction to the subject, direct insight into the thinking of individual architects and their critics, and a current re-evaluation of the context from which they emerged. While our immediate ‘historical’ experience is often confined to ‘masters’ and ‘iconic buildings’ located within the general flux of modernity, here the trajectory of rationalism in twentieth century architecture is seen to veer between a scientific methodology identified with generic models, and a formal paradigm of typological consistency. With its immediate philosophical origins in Enlightenment culture, the development of rationalism in nineteenth century architecture prefaced the volatility of later interpretations of rationalist architecture outlined and documented in this book.
The launch will take place on the 11th February 2011 at the University of Westminster at 6pm with an introductory round-table discussion with editors, contributors and invited critics.
Tuesday 11 February 2014
6pm - 8pm
Room MG06
University of Westminster
Marylebone Campus
35 Marylebone Road
London NW1 5LS
The Rationalist Reader Architecture And Rationalism In Western Europe 1920 - 1940 / 1960 - 1990
Edited By Torsten Schmiedeknecht And Andrew Peckham
London: Routledge, 2013. Isbn: 978-0-415-60436-9