MArch Students take part in Civic Trust Awards Assessments

The School is grateful to the Civic Trust Awards for offering the opportunity to seven of our MArch students (Year 5) to take part in assessments for this year’s awards. Four students joined a jury looking at three projects in Liverpool and three students joined a jury looking at two projects on the Wirral. Each jury consisted of an architect assessor, a universal design assessor, a community advisor, a local authority representative.
The School received very complementary comments from the CTA assessors, who noted that our students’ contribution was “welcomed, constructive and informative” and that they “showed exemplary punctuality and acquitted themselves very professionally asking lots of questions of the applicants”. The students were equally enthusiastic about this new experience. They especially appreciated the new insights into the assessment process and their direct interaction with a range of professionals.
The Liverpool jury looked at Vine Court (a recently completed student accommodation), at the restoration and regeneration of 107 Great Mersey Street and at the Jubliee Quad within the University. The projects in the Wirral included Birkenhead Priory (a phased development to re-engage the public with an ancient monument) and Pensby Stanley New Schools (two newly built primary schools on the former site of just one of the schools).
The School will be working towards securing similar placements for our students in the following years and to expand this new initiative to other built environment awards.