New Exchange Agreement signed with Politecnico di Milano

We are excited to announce that the School of Architecture has signed an agreement with Politecnico di Milano to allow student exchanges for the MArch programme and closer research collaborations.
The renowned Politecnico di Milano is ranked among the world’s top 25 universities in Design, Architecture and Engineering, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subjects 2024, published in April. In Design and Architecture, Politecnico ranks seventh, while in Engineering it ranks 23rd.
September 2024 will be the first time that our students from Liverpool and students from Milan will begin to take part in semester-exchanges. Back in 2022, our Masters students visited the campus in Milan and had the great opportunity to speak with the staff and students there.
This year, we have had the wonderful pleasure to have welcomed Professor Simona Orsina Pierini and Dr Paolo Scrivano to the School, who delivered two fascinating lectures on the homes of Milan and European architects in China from 1949 to 1975. In June, Professor Pierre-Alain Croset from Milan also visited Liverpool and was impressed by the students’ work presented at the degree show.
Professor Pierre-Alain Croset visiting the MArch degree show
The international exchange coordinator of the School Dr Junjie Xi, comments that: “As a School, we are so looking forward to the beginning of this exchange, which will lead to important collaborations for the future. For the potential MArch students, you will have the opportunity to be on this exchange programme in the first semester of your fifth-year study, which will broaden your horizons and enable you to learn from another world-leading university.”