Hélène Binet in conversation with Dr Marco Iuliano and AA Director Ingrid Schroder

Thursday 2 May, 18.30-20.00 AA, Mark Cousin Lecture Hall 36 Bedford Square London WC1B 3ES
Over a period of forty years, Hélène Binet has photographed both contemporary and historical architecture. A comprehensive selection of her work has been recently published by Lund Humphries, with two critical essays. In the book Marco Iuliano details Hélène Binet’s background, from her childhood in the Italian fishing village of Sperlonga and in Rome, through her early ‘discovery’ of architectural photographer Lucien Hervé, to other significant influences, like the collaborations with Daniel Libeskind, John Hejduk, Peter Zumthor and the connections at the AA where she met Zaha Hadid. Martino Stierli sets Binet’s work within the conceptual framework of architectural photography, discussing whether an architectural photograph is an inventory of a building or space, a translation into a two-dimensional image or, rather, an image in its own right; an artifact that loosely relates to the original object or phenomenon. The event will be the opportunity to listen to Binet talking about her most recent works, her connection with the AA and, in conversation with Marco Iuliano and AA Director Ingrid Schroder, to explore the challenges of the book in the making.
The book HÉLÈNE BINET will be sold for a special price of £39.99 (RRP £49.99) on the night.