CAVA partner of the RIBA Photo Festival 2023

From 8th to 10th of November at RIBA headquarters at 66, Portland Place, London, a rich program of events has been organised for the RIBA Photo Festival, of which CAVA is a partner.
On Friday evening the Photo Festival will host ‘The Colin Rowe lectures’, a collaboration between CAVA and RIBA since 2016, recently renewed until 2025. On this occasion the guest speaker will be Hélène Binet, one of the world-leading architectural photographers. Recently, Peter Zumthor has commented on Binet’s photographs as images that “allow the viewer to enter the space - not only the architectural space, but also the emotional space”.
After the lecture, Dr Marco Iuliano will be in conversation with Binet: an opportunity to discuss the process of devising the first book of the architectural photographers series written by Dr Iuliano with Martino Stierli, chief curator for architecture and design at the Museum of Modern Art (New York), to be published by Lund Humphries in 2024.
To book a place for the Colin Rowe lectures please click here. The lecture is free for University of Liverpool staff and students (write an email to, specifying your affiliation and year of study).
The full programme of the Photo Festival is available here.