‘Ideas for Huyton’ collaborative studio paper accepted for Productive-Disruptive Conference 2023

Studio teaching based conference submission accepted to Association of Architectural Educators Conference 2023 Productive-Disruptive: spaces of exploration in-between architectural pedagogy and practice to take place at Welsh School of Architecture Cardiff.
The submission reflects upon the productive-disruptive nature of the pedagogy of the year-long live collaboration between University based BA3 Studio Pen and Inc, Urban Researcher Fei Chen and local policy makers and regeneration Task Force within Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council and Architectural practice Architectural Emporium. Through Knowledge Exchange the collaboration created opportunities to envision and impact change ; KMBC promoting the responsive reflexive governance already in play for their community and longer-term masterplans; Students becoming agents for change through questioning and visioning high street futures accountable to carbon zero future policies and fragile futures agendas and giving voice to young people’s perspective on their future.