Drawing Rooms: Soane, Stirling, Today

Number One Poultry worm’s eye view facade annotated by James Stirling, 1986
Workshop at Sir John Soane’s Museum
27 April 2023
John Soane and James Stirling, born centuries apart, embody the idea of the archetypical erudite architect, a figure which has been emerging since the Renaissance. They shared an unrivalled knowledge of architectural history, which in turn became inspiration for their architectural projects.
Both offices made extensive use of drawing as a communication tool, often pushing the boundaries of representational language. These beautiful works of art allow us to discuss not only the role of drawing before computers but also the collaborative nature of the architectural practice.
In the workshop for architecture students, hosted and convened by Dr Marco Iuliano, you will have the opportunity to view at close hand drawings produced by both Soane and Stirling’s offices in sessions led by Anna McAlaney (Library Curatorial Assistant at Sir John Soane’s Museum) and Dr Iuliano. There will also an exclusive visit to Soane’s newly restored Drawing Office and an exhibition tour of The Architecture Drawing Prize, led by 2021 winner Dafni Filippa, to see the best in contemporary architectural drawing from around the world. The session will include a group discussion and an opportunity for participants to share examples of their own architectural drawings.
The workshop is a collaboration between the Sir John Soane’s Museum and the Centre for Architecture and the Visual Arts, University of Liverpool
For more info, click here