Ahuwa Research Centre Hosts Cape Town Declaration Ratification on African Heritage

28-30 October 2022
The newly formed AHUWA research group,(Architecture, Heritage, and Urbanism in West Africa) will be hosting a delegation from the Modernist Heritage of Africa Research network who will be conferring to ratify the Cape Town Declaration on Modernist African Heritage. These include international representatives of ICOMOS, UNESCO and DOCOMOMO, and delegates from across Africa. AHUWA and UCL’s Bartlett School of Architecture have also been successful in securing funding from the AHRC for further networking and research, which will take place in West Africa next year to explore modern heritage across Africa. AHUWA was established in 2022 by Prof Ola Uduku and Prof Iain Jackson to further research into West African history and heritage.
924 Gift from Chief Erhabor Emokpae to Unilever, 1980. Photo Iain Jackson 2021
Header Image: 3730 Ollivant Arcade in Accra, Ghana. Photo Iain Jackson 2022