PhD students from the Environment, Sustainability and Technology (ESTA) research group present at Edinburgh conference

The School’s Environment, Sustainability and Technology in Architecture (ESTA) research group was strongly represented at the 3rd International Conference on Comfort at the Extremes (CATE), which took place in Edinburgh on the 5th and 6th September 2022. Papers were presented by five ESTA PhD students and Venkatesh Kalidoss, a former student of the School’s MSc programme ‘Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability in Architecture (CRESTA)’. The presented papers were:
- Abdulaziz Alsharif ‘The Urban Heat Island phenomenon in the Holy City of Makkah, in Saudi Arabia and its impacts on energy consumption’
- Dilek Arslan, Steve Sharples and Haniyeh Mohammadpourkarbasi ‘Embodied carbon viability of prefabricated retrofit modules for Passivhaus-EnerPHit’
- Zehra Disci, Steve Sharples and Ranald Lawrence ‘The effect of climatic background on users’ thermal comfort in university buildings’
- Venkatesh Kalidoss and Haniyeh Mohammadpourkarbasi ‘Life cycle carbon assessment of a contemporary house in the UK built to zero carbon’
- Ebaa Khan, Steve Sharples and Haniyeh Mohammadpourkarbasi ‘Adopting Passivhaus principles in residential buildings in the extremely hot and dry climate of Saudi Arabia’
- Mainur Kurmanbekova, Steve Sharples and Jiangtao Du ‘Outdoor climate, pollution levels and ventilation rate impacts on indoor air quality in social housing in Almaty, Kazakhstan’