LSA Autumn Exhibition Launched

Every summer architecture students display their final project work in a public exhibition in the Liverpool School of Architecture (LSA). This is a big event and final celebration of their studies.
Due to the pandemic our last two summer exhibitions were impossible. We therefore created this exhibition on the railings of Abercromby Square to celebrate some of the outstanding work produced by our students last year despite the difficult learning situation
The boards displayed in the square show work from our final year BA(Hons) Degree, MA and MArch students. These have been chosen by our students from a much larger selection. You can explore the projects shown here in more depth and discover more work at our Virtual School of Architecture.
Our course in architecture is accredited by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the Architects Registration Board (ARB). As a result all modules must be passed! BA(hons) is three years followed by a two year MArch. Before qualifying as an architect at least 24 months of practical experience is required, finishing with a professional exam.
Projects at degree level are set by tutors, whereas project at masters level are self directed. We are unique as a school in the UK as our masters students work in groups. This encourages design collaboration. debate and discussion. It also emulates the profession; architecture is not really possible without a team.
We timed this exhibition to coincide with the inaugural Liverpool Architecture Festival (LAF). For more information on the many events happening across the city from the 4th - 15th October, for more information please visit at the LAF website.
Thank you to everyone involved in putting this exhibition together and to all our students for their hard work
Professor Soumyen Bandyopadhyay
Head of LSA