Strong LSA Presence at Major International Sustainability Conference

The School of Architecture was very strongly represented at the 35th Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) conference ‘Planning for Post Carbon Cities’ that was held (virtually) in A Coruña, Spain from the 1st to the 3rd September 2020. Seven papers were presented by staff and students:
Al Derbi, B The embodied carbon analysis of a nearly zero energy building (nZEB) SIPs house in the UK.
Alharthi, M and Sharples, S Modelling and testing extendable shading devices to mitigate thermal discomfort in a hot arid climate
Ayyad, Y and Sharples, S The effect of street grid form and orientation on urban wind flows and pedestrian thermal comfort
Du, J and Sharples, S Biophilic atrium design: an analysis of photosynthetically active radiation for indoor plant systems
Liu, C, Mohammadpourkarbasi, H and Sharples, S Analysing energy savings and overheating risks of retrofitting Chinese rural dwellings to the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard
Mohammadpourkarbasi, H and Sharples, S Life cycle cost and carbon appraisal for a prefabricated residential development in London
Zhao, W, Chow, D and Sharples, S Developing adaptive thermal comfort models and evaluation criteria for rural low-income residents in China
Haniyeh Mohammadpourkarbasi’s study on life cycle cost won a Best Paper at Conference award and PhD student Yara Ayyad received a prestigious registration scholarship from the Society of Building Science Educators, with the support of the Jeffrey Cook Trust.