Architecture Model Making Technical Support

Despite the School of Architecture workshops currently being closed, the School's Technical Team are working hard to make sure that as much support as possible is still being offered to our students.
Technical Model Making Advice – Microsoft Teams
The Technical Team are using Microsoft Teams to make sure that students have a direct link to continued Technical Support. The 'Technical Model Making Advice' team includes a Gallery which is updated on a daily basis, featuring previous and current students work to provide inspiration, News, to help students keep up to date with the Technical Teams current and ongoing projects and a Resources section that includes FAQ's, and a variety of guides and resources for students to explore including 'CAD guides', 'Workshop Machine Guides' and 'Hand Tool Guides'.
A laser cut greyboard model, for a detailed description, see below
One To One – Ask a Technician
Technicians are also timetabled to monitor the team 9.30 – 16.30 five days a week, Monday - Friday (excluding bank holidays). Here students can ask for advice on their creative work and for assistance with model making and facilities.
"We want to thank all students who have engaged with the team so far and we look forward to welcoming even more Architecture students into our 'Technical Model Making Advice' team."
Model Descriptions
The laser cut model
This is one of the most detailed models we have seen in recent years. This image shows one small section of the model which stands at over 2 metres tall. It is still on display in the School of the Arts.
The model shows how a school could be built upward, rather than spanning a large area of land, therefore holding a small footprint.
Nearly all components were laser cut (minus the scale people) and hours were spent painting and assembling the model so that every small detail was correct. The coloured laser cut facade panels, seen in the photograph, could be removed to show the activity inside the building.
The laser cut model greyboard model
Many aspects of this model have been handmade. A lot of the materials used can be safely cut with a craft knife, these materials include greyboard (of varying thicknesses), mountboard and thin balsa.
Remember to use a safety ruler and cutting mat when using a craft knife.
Laser cutting has been used to cut some more of the intricate shapes such as the structure on top of the circular shape above. Wire mesh, which can easily be shaped by hand (make sure you wear some protective gloves) has been used to effectively clad the structure.
Some items that can be found at home have been cleverly used to create simple structures such as the circular towers to the right.