Professional Validation Success for the Liverpool School of Architecture

The Liverpool School of Architecture is proud to announce the results of several Professional Accreditations and Validations it has achieved over the last academic year.
Firstly the school has received unconditional five-year continued validation for both BA and MArch courses from the RIBA. The RIBA commended us on a number of areas including digital feedback, infrastructure and staffing. In addition, the Architects Registration Board Prescription Committee has also agreed to prescribe our Part 1 and 2 courses for the 5-year period we had requested.
Concurrent with this the School has also taken part in the Universities Internal Periodic Review process. The IPR board commended the School on a number of points:
- Our handing of the sudden expansion and significant changes, and seizing the opportunity at the London Campus:
- The level of engagement and our relationship with students;
- The wealth of opportunities that our stakeholder relationships have provided;
- Our approach to internationalisation and good practice in this area;
- The value of our research-led teaching and the connected student experience it generates.
Finally, the School has now been endorsed by the Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM), which has validated both our BA Architecture and MArch professional programmes for a duration of 5 years.