Dr David Chow Invited to Give Keynote Lecture at the China Agricultural University in Beijing and made Adjunct Professor

Dr David Hou Chi Chow from the Liverppol School of Architecture, together with Professor Geoff Levermore, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate from the University of Manchester were invited to the College of Information and Electrical Engineering (CIEE) at the China Agricultural University in Beijing, to give keynote lectures on the effects of climate change on the built environment and what the building sector can do to mitigate and adapt to future changes.
They were hosted by the Dean of the CIEE, Professor Zhenbo Li, and the China National Youth Thousand Talents Program Expert, Dr Yang Wang.
As well as presenting his research on climate change in different regions of the world and possible solutions to this global problem, Dr Chow also talked about the increasing Urban Heat Island effects in developing cities as a result of urbanisation, and how this, together with climate change, will pose serious challenges for the built environment. He included his latest work in collaboration with the Construction Committee in Ningbo, where it has been shown that the introduction of vertical greenery to existing facades can significantly reduce both cooling and heating demand.
“There is also potential to combine this with urban farming so both energy issues and food security issues can be tackled together with one solution, and this is an area that both the University of Liverpool and the China Agricultural University can collaborate together through our expertise areas, to contribute for solutions to this global challenge.” Dr Chow said in his final remarks.
Both Dr Chow and Professor Levermore then answered questions from students and staff, before being presented with souvenirs, and appointed as Adjunct Professors for the China Agricultural University.