PhD students present their research at international conference

The Liverpool School of Architecture was very strongly represented at the international Sustainable Built Environment SBE 2019 conference that was held on the 24th and 25th September in Cardiff. Seven PhD students from the School’s Environment, Sustainability and Technology in Architecture (ESTA) research group gave excellent presentations of their projects.
- Ali Aldersoni: ‘Adapting traditional passive strategies within contemporary houses to decrease high energy consumption impact in Nejd Region, Saudi Arabia’
- Chenfei Liu: ‘Analysing the benefits and challenges of retrofitting rural dwellings in Hunan, China to the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard’
- Roy Sigalingging: ‘Modelling the impact of ground temperature and ground insulation on cooling energy use in a tropical house constructed to the Passivhaus Standard’
- Wei Zhao: ‘The relationship between thermal environments and clothing insulation for low-income rural residents in cold zone of China in winter’
- Mohammed Abuhussain: ‘Sensitivity energy analysis for the Saudi residential building envelope codes under future climate change scenarios: the case for the hot and humid region in Jeddah’
- Yara Ayyad: ‘Envi-MET validation and sensitivity analysis using field measurements in a hot arid climate’
- Mohammad Alshenaifi: ‘A parametric analysis of the influence of wind speed and direction on the thermal comfort performance of a Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) system – field measurements from a Saudi Arabian library’