Erasmus+ Trainees Finishing

The ArCHIAM Centre (Architecture and Cultural Heritage of India, Arabia and the Maghreb), based at the University of Liverpool School of Architecture, is delighted to have hosted two Erasmus+ Trainees from Universita’ Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) from 1st August to 28th September. Working under the supervision of Dr Giamila Quattrone, a graduate of the same institution and ArCHIAM’s Project Coordinator, the trainees - Elisabetta Palagruti and Pasquale Larosa - have been involved in architectural history research and vernacular heritage documentation and analysis.
Supported by ArCHIAM team members Ataa Alsalloum, Claudia Briguglio and Matina Vrettou, they have analyzed and visualized data from interviews and questionnaire surveys recently held at the National Museum Oman, with the aim to collect evidence of the impact of ArCHIAM’s contribution to the 'Civilisation in the Making' and 'Aflaj' Galleries. They have also conducted typo-morphological analysis and developed visual mappings of the traditional liwan house of Oman, and helped produce digital documentation and marketing material for a traditional house in Harat al Bilad, Manah, Oman, which is soon to be developed as a permanent museum.
The traineeship has given us the invaluable opportunity to experience working within a world-leading academic environment, receive an introduction to the vernacular architecture of Oman, which we were entirely new to. It has also allowed us to improve our knowledge of the English language as well as develop computer skills through use of 2D and 3D CAD, desktop publishing, office automation programs and even poll applications to support student active learning. We feel this experience has left us with a rich baggage of new knowledge and skills, as well as more self-confidence at both a professional and personal level.