Statistics Show International Travel Opportunities for LSA Students

The Liverpool School of Architecture continues to promote travel and International travel opportunities to support and enhance the learning experiences of its students. It has long been key to the training of architects that first hand architectural experience is essential in this most physical of subjects.
Opportunities exist at LSA in every year for international travel, through field trips organised and accompanied by LSA academic staff, study abroad opportunities and others such as the British Council Fellowship partnership which has afforded three students travel to Venice for one month each to research and work.
The University of Liverpool’s 2026 strategy states that by 2026 at least half of its students will take up 'exceptional opportunities to work and study abroad that Liverpool offers'.
Travel prizes
Each year the LSA awards the three highest performing BA graduating students each won £1000 Holt Travel Scholarship. This years winners were Yaxin Jiang, Nariza Hopley and Hiu Chun Kam.
LSA students are also eligable to enter the Honan Travel Scholarship, awarded each academic year by the Liverpool Architectural Society, which encourages students to submit a proposal for an architecture themed study trip, and then to reflect upon their experiences and how it has impacted and informed their studies. This year the scholarship was won by LSA MArch student Rachel James.
2017-18 academic year figures are as follows :
- 24 students study abroad - 12 in XJTLU and 12 in Dessau three of which for a full year at XJTLU
- 19 first year students on a design exchange charrette in Lisbon – February 2018 led by Ben Devereau with Roland Keogh and Keith Webber
- 49 students to Vienna in BA2 on field trip as part of studio led by Andrew Crompton and team (Urun Kilic, Stephanie Koerner)
- 52 BA2 students to Barcelona BA2, a field trip as part of studio led by Nick Webb, Ben Devereau, Hanan Barakat and Ben Prince
- 39 students to Rome BA2 a field trip as part of studio led by Ronny Ford
- 34 students in BA3 went to Milan on a field trip led by Marco Iuliano and team: Jane Moscardini, James Jones and Valentino Capelo
- 32 students in BA3 to Vienna and Budapest on a field trip led by Sandy Britton with: Tony Lees, Howard Miller, James Crawford and Dr Stephanie Koerner
- 31 students in MArch5 to Helsinki led by Rosa Urbano Gutierrez and Jack Dunne
- 22 students of MA to Frankfurt on a field trip with Asterios Agkathidis, Mike Knight and Urun Kilic
- 3 MArch4 students were supported through British Council fellowship to spend a month in Venice working and researching at Venice Biennale.
Liverpool School of Architecture 2017-18 International Student Mobility
Data collated by Sandy Britton July 2018