New appointments to XJTLU leadership

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XJTLU new building

XJTLU has announced two new appointments to its leadership team in Suzhou.

Professor Andre Brown from our School of Architecture, and Heather Knight, our Director of Student Administration and Support, will be taking up secondments in September to support XJTLU in further enhancing its academic excellence.

Andre has been appointed as Vice President (Academic Affairs) for three years. In his new role he will be an important link between the two institutions.

As a former Head of Architecture, he has extensive experience in academic governance and leadership. He was also Head of Combined Honours for four years, reflecting his enthusiasm and support for a wide range of disciplines and inter-disciplinary study. Andre has also been President of the European organisation for research and education in the field of digital architecture.

Andre has worked with XJTLU for five years and notably used Shanghai Expo 2010 to coordinate the Urban Design Futures week at the Liverpool pavilion to help promote XJTLU.

Heather will become Acting Director of the Centre for Academic Affairs for 12 months. She will lead the operational management of the Centre and will also be a member of Academic Strategy Group, working closely with Deans and Heads of Departments to support XJTLU’s academic priorities.

Heather has more than 20 years’ work experience in HE and business, with responsibilities including management of large operational departments supporting academic, programme and student administration and student support. Heather’s experience in managing operations within large complex organisations will be well-suited to XJTLU’s fast development stage and supporting its pursuit of reputation internationally.

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