Guest Lecture Series

Irena Bauman

Retrofitting Neighbourhoods- Designing for Resilience

5pm, 11th February,
Budden Lecture Theatre,

Liverpool School of Architecture.

Irena Bauman is a practicing architect and a founding director of Bauman Lyons Architects. She is a Professor of Sustainable at Sheffield University School of Architecture and Director of Building Local Resilience research platform. She is also and external examiner at Manchester School of Architecture and the Chair of the Regional Design Review Panel. She was Commissioner for Commission for Architecture and the Build Environment for UK  from 2002-2009.

Her practice and research are concerned with how architecture and architectural thinking  can facilitate local communities to mitigate, adapt and become more resilient to the uncertainties that lie ahead. She recently completed two research projects funded by Technology Strategy Board to develop Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and is currently working on Innovate UK funded projects into off site construction methods. She is currently coordinating an international conference for September 2015 entitled Architecture and Resilience on Human Scale.

She is the author of ‘How to be a Happy Architect in which she challenges the architectural establishment to be more in tune with the needs of communities and is currently writing  ‘Retrofitting Neighbourhoods –Designing for Resilience’ in which she is collating some international case studies of neighbourhood scale project which pave the way towards transformative change.

Linkedin: Irena Bauman

Twitter: @IrenaBauman