PhD students
Here you'll find links to our current PhD students along with their thesis titles.
A Comparative Model on the Identity of Women in the Late Iron Age – Romano British Period in Mortuary Contexts.
Evaluating Public Engagement and Narratives within the Archaeological Landscapes of the Peak District, the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors.
The sustainability of resin use in the Eastern Mediterranean, from the Middle to Late Bronze Age.
Tyranny and Social Organisation in Archaic Athens.
The Encomium in Late Antiquity. The Rhetoric of Praise in Late Antique Greek Poetry.
Ancient Egyptian Paddle Dolls: Attributes and Analysis.
A study of terms of possession within the private economical documents from the Ramesside workers' village at Deir el-Medina.
The use of Astrology to legitimise the rule of the Roman Emperors.
British Far East Prisoners of War on the Moluccan Island of Ambon, and related Japanese War Crimes 1942-1949: One Thousand Men of Liang.
Episodic Labour Mobilisation During the Levant’s ‘Dark Ages’: The View from Khirbet al-Mudayna al-‘Aliya.
Time-slicing cemeteries: New method for understanding Iron Age identity in Britain before Rome (400 BC–AD 43).
Depictions of Female Figures on Lycian Tombs from the Classical to the Roman Period: An Iconographic Study Supported by Virtual Reflectance Transformation Imaging.
The Hellenistic Coins of the Late Republic
Chang Lu
Navigation by Crew in Early Egyptian Culture.
Experiences of Worshipping in the Greek Temples of the Egyptian Gods.
Portraits of Hybridity: Understanding Hybrid Cultural Identity in Roman Egypt through the Hawara Mummy Portrait Panels.
Reflections in Time: investigating the social role of mirrors in Ancient Egypt through metallurgical analysis.
Multimodal Literacy in the Southern Levant Iron Age II from a materiality and literary formulae approach.
A Gateway to Corruption? The Role of Gifts in Ancient Athenian Democracy.