
We are thrilled to offer opportunities to schools and students interested in the ancient world.

Our Aims:

1. Provide all secondary school students with the chance to study ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt.

2. Build connections between the University of Liverpool’s Archaeology, Classics & Egyptology department and Merseyside schools.

3. Develop students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills.

4. Encourage a love for studying the past and consideration of further education in the arts & humanities.

We offer:

- School visits and on-campus sessions

- Online workshops and resources on Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology for on-demand use by teachers and classes

- GCSE delivery and support

- Short courses

GCSE Delivery and Support

We currently run many programmes across Merseyside funded by the charity organisation Classics For All.

- GCSE Latin: Available for schools across Merseyside

- GCSE and AS-Level Ancient Greek

- GCSE Ancient History and Classical Civilizations (Available upon request)

These programmes are perfect for schools new to ancient-world subjects or to supplement existing courses.

Liverpool Study of Ancient Worlds

Short courses available focusing on ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt

- Topics include history, archaeology, literature and culture

- Designed for Key Stage 3 students, with some content suitable for older audiences

The courses follow a Learn, Practice, Reflect structure with the option for students to deliver group presentations or debate key issues to evidence their learning.

Students can choose subjects of interest and combine ‘mini-modules’ to create a personal record of ancient-world studies, recognised by the University with a certificate. For details of course content, please see the links below.

For more information, please contact us directly.