Archaeology PhD candidate journeys to Bulgaria to test Ancient Egyptian artefacts

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Woman using drill
Diana at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Diana T. Nikolova, a Graduate Teaching Fellow and archaeology PhD candidate, has appeared on Bulgarian TV after being invited to conduct research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Originally from Sofia, Bulgaria, Diana was invited by Dr Vessela Atanasova to take part in minimally invasive testing on a group of Ancient Egyptian artefacts donated to the Kyustendil Museum. The aim was to establish their composition and confirm their authenticity.

The work was documented by a Bulgarian television crew, for a program which aired on Nova TV last month. In addition to the work conducted by Dr Atanasova and Diana, the report also discussed the rich museum collection in Kyustendil and its need for future funding.

The artefact samples will be analysed at the Professor Elizabeth Slater Archaeological Laboratories in February 2018 and the results will be the focus of a joint publication. 

Watch the TV report

You can watch the report (in Bulgarian) on the Nova TV website.