Winning department celebrates Graduation with National Student Survey prize

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ACE2014-1wThe Department was rewarded for delivering a 12% increase on last year's NSS response

The Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (ACE) has been celebrating with its students after winning £500 towards its Graduation celebrations in the University’s National Student Survey (NSS) competition.

The Department won the prize for the most improved response rate after achieving a 12% increase on last year’s response.


Graduates in the Department were given vouchers to spend in the Graduation Marquee during a reception on Thursday, 17 July following their ceremony in the Metropolitan Cathedral. Student awards were also handed out by departmental staff to recognise the achievements of the class of 2014.

Commenting at the event, Head of ACE Professor Douglas Baird, said: "It's great to see the high response rate to the NSS from ACE students this year. I think they understand we very much value their feedback and will put it to good use, as we hope they will put to good use the hospitality vouchers their efforts secured”

[callout title= ]"I think our students  understand we very much value their feedback and will put it to good use, as we hope they will put to good use the hospitality vouchers their efforts secured”[/callout]This year the University achieved an overall response rate of 72% in the National Student Survey.

The figure puts the University ahead of the sector average of 71% with ten departments improving on their 2013 response rate and some 96% of eligible subject areas reaching the publication.

Last month the Department of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (CLAS) celebrated winning the highest response rate prize with an end of exams party. CLAS achieved the highest NSS response rate after an impressive 88% of final year undergraduate students in the department took part in the survey.

It is the second year in a row that CLAS has topped the response rate leader board and more than 50 students joined the celebrations, which took place in the Cypress Building.

Student satisfaction

Professor Kelvin Everest, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience, said: “The National Student Survey is an important indicator of student satisfaction and provides the University with a wealth of data that helps us to enhance the student experience. I’d like to thank everybody who took part.”

Results of the survey are expected to be published in August.

The National Student Survey is commissioned by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and administered by independent research agency Ipsos MORI. The results provide valuable feedback about various aspects of the student experience and are used by the University and Liverpool Guild of Students to guide improvements and address issues.