Archaeologist to support cultural travel business

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The University of Liverpool’s Department of Archaeology has signed a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with a travel company that specialises in expert-guided archaeological and cultural cruises of the Mediterranean.

The six-month KTP – the first one ever between archaeologists and business - will enable a graduate from the Department of Archaeology to work with Peter Sommer Travels to help them diversify their business through new cultural tourism itineraries in the Mediterranean.

KTP is a UK wide scheme to enable businesses with a strategic need to access University expertise and knowledge to improve their competitiveness, productivity and performance.  The government-funded scheme involves a high calibre graduate (KTP Associate) working in a company with academic supervision.

Prehistoric archaeology

Dr Alan Greaves, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology who will provide academic support to the project, said: “This project provides a perfect opportunity for a UK business to benefit from the Department’s extensive expertise and knowledge of prehistoric archaeology of the Mediterranean.

"The partnership will help Peter Sommer Travels widen their archaeological and cultural tour offerings into new areas, such as Malta and central Turkey.  It will also provide one of our graduates with invaluable experience of working on a real world project in the commercial sector.”

Peter Sommer, from Peter Sommer Travels, said: “Working with archaeologists at the University of Liverpool is the perfect link for us as a specialist tour operator. We are delighted to tap into their extensive research experience and knowledge of local areas in the Mediterranean to expand our range of expert-led archaeological tours in Turkey and to create our very first cultural tours in Malta.”
