"masters" blog posts

From the Ancient World to the near future - skills that can help you stand out from the crowd!Students in front of a museum

From the Ancient World to the near future - skills that can help you stand out from the crowd!

How has one of our archaeology MA students been using her skills outside of university studies? Chloé Agar tells us more about how the content of her degree is helping her explore different career ideas for the future, outside of academia

Posted on: 29 January 2018

Excavations, new skills and adventures in Halkidiki Archaeological site in Greece

Excavations, new skills and adventures in Halkidiki

In its time, Olynthos was an ancient classical Greek city in the Halkidiki region of modern-day Greece. The city sprawled across the two massive hills that dominate the surrounding landscape until its destruction in 348 BC by Philip II (Alexander the Great’s dad).

Posted on: 9 October 2017