"graveyards" blog posts

To rebury or not to rebury? That is the question...Professor Harold Mytum discusses coffin fittings with Ashleigh Neil and Jane Owen

To rebury or not to rebury? That is the question...

Professor Harold Mytum shares his experience of working at the Castle Street burial ground in Hull.

Posted on: 19 August 2021

Harold Mytum talks about graveyards at the Council for British Archaeology's Festival of Archaeology Harold Mytum helping a community group with their graveyard recording

Harold Mytum talks about graveyards at the Council for British Archaeology's Festival of Archaeology

With the coronavirus restrictions, the CBA’s annual Festival of Archaeology is a digital event this year, running from the 9th July. Other ‘normal’ activities are to take place, all being well, in November. As part of this event, Professor Harold Mytum has given two lectures on graveyards and cemeteries, and the monuments in these important heritage sites found all across Britain and Ireland.

Posted on: 21 July 2020