"conference" blog posts

Call for Papers: Fanfiction and the Ancient World Conference An image of a blank notebook and pen

Call for Papers: Fanfiction and the Ancient World Conference

On October 4th-5th 2024, the Fanfiction and the Ancient World Conference is taking place and we are looking for contributions!

Posted on: 21 May 2024

ACE & Creativity Conference An invitation to the ace and creativity blog conference

ACE & Creativity Conference

The ACE & Creativity blog is celebrating its first birthday! And we are delighted to announce the ‘ACE & Creativity Conference’ which will take place online on Zoom Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October 2023.

Posted on: 2 October 2023

Anacharsis Conference 2021

Anacharsis Conference 2021

The conference centred upon the figure of Anacharsis, a Scythian philosopher travelling around the Greek world during the age of Solon’s reforms, killed for adopting alien (Greek) religious practices upon his return to Scythia and pursuing too strong an interest in alterity. His peripatetic presence combined with his penchant for intellectual exploration and questioning of ‘otherness’ will soon make Anacharsis a paradigm of enlightened independence. His legend was revived in the age of the Enlightenment, when his philosophy returned to intellectual discourse as an agent of dissonance and rupture fostering an emergent cultural relativism and cosmopolitanism. Today, Anacharsis helps us understand how ancient and modern reacted to religious conflicts, cultural diversity and political transformation.

Posted on: 5 November 2021