Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology blog

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If you're avid about archaeology, committed to classics or excited about Egyptology, then this is the blog for you.

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Using modern technology to model ancient worldsUsing modern technology to model ancient worlds

Using modern technology to model ancient worlds

Would 3D digital objects help your project? Could you analyse aspects of your sites or objects in a new way by quantifying it in 3D space? Could you draw more people to interact with your work by engaging with them through a digital medium? Ardern Hulme-Beaman discusses how photogrammetry is revolutionising the work of our academics, and how you can learn more about this innovative technique.

Posted on: 12 March 2018

Fall of Troy: the legend and the factsFall of Troy: the legend and the facts

Fall of Troy: the legend and the facts

The legendary ancient city of Troy is very much in the limelight this year. A big budget co-production between the BBC and Netflix 'Troy: Fall of a City' recently launched, while Turkey designated 2018 the “Year of Troy” and plans a year of celebration, including the opening of a new museum on the presumed site.

Posted on: 6 March 2018

Chasing Rainbows: The Search for Gay Material CultureChasing Rainbows: The Search for Gay Material Culture

Chasing Rainbows: The Search for Gay Material Culture

After thinking about LGBT+ History Month 2018 last month, I thought it would be interesting to take a look how much archaeology can contribute to our understanding of gay history.

Posted on: 1 March 2018

The Blind School: Pioneering People and PlacesThe Blind School: Pioneering People and Places

The Blind School: Pioneering People and Places

Outside of her research, Archaeology PhD student Kerry Massheder-Rigby has been working on the HLF funded History of Place project since 2016 as Project Coordinator, investigating the history of the Royal School for the Blind in Liverpool. In this blog, Kerry shares her experience of working on the project and tells us how this work ties in with her research interests.

Posted on: 27 February 2018

Liverpool: Celebrating 10 years as the Capital of CultureLiverpool: Celebrating 10 years as the Capital of Culture

Liverpool: Celebrating 10 years as the Capital of Culture

\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThis year, Liverpool will come together once more to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of been named the European Capital of Culture. Here, we will explore some of the highlights 2018 will bring as celebration, and check out some other big names that turn 10, too!

Posted on: 13 February 2018

Terracotta warriors on the marchTerracotta warriors on the march

Terracotta warriors on the march

With the launch of the World Museum's 'China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors' exhibition this week, Professor Douglas Baird provides an insight into the historical context of the Warriors and highlights their significance in today's world.

Posted on: 7 February 2018

From the Ancient World to the near future - skills that can help you stand out from the crowd!From the Ancient World to the near future - skills that can help you stand out from the crowd!

From the Ancient World to the near future - skills that can help you stand out from the crowd!

How has one of our archaeology MA students been using her skills outside of university studies? Chloé Agar tells us more about how the content of her degree is helping her explore different career ideas for the future, outside of academia

Posted on: 29 January 2018

Our top tips to beat the Blue Monday blues this JanuaryOur top tips to beat the Blue Monday blues this January

Our top tips to beat the Blue Monday blues this January

January blues can be tough. But what should you do when Blue Monday comes around when you're trying to prepare for your exams?

Posted on: 15 January 2018

ACE researcher in the spotlight: Dr. Shirley Curtis-SummersACE researcher in the spotlight: Dr. Shirley Curtis-Summers

ACE researcher in the spotlight: Dr. Shirley Curtis-Summers

I am currently an honorary research associate in ACE and since completing my PhD in 2015, I have held posts in ACE, History, Anatomy, Continuing Education and Public Health and Policy. I am also a consultant human osteologist, working with heritage companies and museums to provide human osteology assessments/reports and deliver public engagement events.

Posted on: 11 December 2017


    Using modern technology to model ancient worldsUsing modern technology to model ancient worlds

    Using modern technology to model ancient worlds

    Would 3D digital objects help your project? Could you analyse aspects of your sites or objects in a new way by quantifying it in 3D space? Could you draw more people to interact with your work by engaging with them through a digital medium? Ardern Hulme-Beaman discusses how photogrammetry is revolutionising the work of our academics, and how you can learn more about this innovative technique.

    Posted on: 12 March 2018