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Introducing the 2019/20 Work in Progress seminar series

Posted on: 2 October 2019 in 2019 posts

The Work in Progress seminar series is a weekly selection of papers presented by postgraduate researchers to an audience of specialists and non-specialists alike.

Taking papers from all over the world and from a varied range of topics, the Work in Progress seminars series always offers something for everyone with an interest in the ancient world.

The seminars provide an insight into the cutting edge research taking place at the University of Liverpool, with all the papers coming from early career scholars and often showing the future of research in Archaeology, Classics, Egyptology and related disciplines.

The presentations last around 20-30 minutes, and are followed by an open discussion between the speaker and audience members. The discussion often allows speakers to be challenged on their thinking in a way that helps create a more rounded piece of research. However, attendees are welcome to simply sit back and listen to the wide variety of cross-disciplinary perspectives offered.

Open to all, the Work in Progress seminar series is a great place to discover what is happening in the world of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology.

The Work in Progress schedule for the first semester is as follows:

Seminars take place 1pm - 2pm in the Arthur West Room (8-14 Abercromby Square) unless marked with an asterisk.

* Venue: School Meeting Room, 8-14 Abercromby Square

** Venue: HSS Faculty Meeting Room, 1-7 Abercromby Square

Please contact Rachael Cornwell or Daniel Lowes for further information.

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Study in the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology at the University of Liverpool