As a 1st year undergraduate at the University of Liverpool, both the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, and the Society of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (SACE) have played an instrumental role in my life at the university so far.
As a 1st year undergraduate at the University of Liverpool, both the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, and the Society of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (SACE) have played an instrumental role in my life at the university so far.
The department is fairly small, and as such, it was easy to get to know everyone on my course and in my year group rather quickly, through our lectures and seminars. Additionally, the flexible module system means that there are always students from a variety of different disciplines, both in and out of ACE, making it easy to meet students from other subjects. Personally, I take modules in Egyptology and Chinese, an exciting combination that has allowed me to study two civilisations at the same time. I have also been able to sit in on a Chinese archaeology module, giving me a greater perspective of both disciplines.
SACE Toga Night
As the incumbent President of SACE, I have participated in a wide number of events, including social events such as barbecues and Christmas dinners, collaborative lectures with other societies, and field trips to a range of locations, including the Manchester Museum, where we were given a behind-the-scenes tour by Dr Campbell Price, alumni of the ACE department.
The socials and trips, such as pub quizzes and a scavenger hunt around the city, allowed me to meet other students from different subjects and years, students from across the department, and members of staff. From September, the new committee hopes to continue with the exciting programme of socials and academic activities created by our predecessors, as well as collaborating with other societies to run more events.