Collaborative Provision - Policies and Procedures
New Partnerships
Any Department, School/Institute or Faculty planning a new collaborative initiative is encouraged to contact AQSD at the earliest opportunity for advice on the approval process.
Taxonomies of Collaborative Provision
Taxonomy of Teaching and Learning Collaborative Provision
Taxonomy of PGR Collaborative Provision
Taxonomy of PGR Collaborative Provision Appendix 1
Partner Approval Guidelines
Partner Approval Process Guidance
Due Diligence Panel
Form A: New Partner Proposal Due Diligence
Form B: Business Case for the Approval of a New Partnership Arrangement
Visit Template (institutional level)
Memorandum of Understanding
Requests for the approval and renewal of MoU's are considered by the Due Diligence Panel using the forms below.
Initial advice and guidance may be sought from the Global Engagement and Partnerships team.
Form C: Request for Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding
Form D: Request for Approval to Renew a Memorandum of Understanding
Prior to the expiry of an agreement, AQSD will contact the relevant University Department, School/Institute or Faculty contact to discuss the procedure for the renewal of the relationships.
AQSD services the Due Diligence Panel and the Collaborative Provision Committee which has responsibility for the approval of new proposals and the renewal of existing collaborations.
Teaching and Learning Partnership Renewal Process
Guidance for Renewal of Taught Collaborative Partnerships
Application for Consideration of Renewal of a Partnership - Appendix 1
Desk Based Pre-review Template
External adviser nomination form
Institutional Review Action Plan Template - Appendix 5
Pre-review Feedback Template - Appendix 2
Self-Evaluation Document Guidance - Appendix 4
Self-Evaluation Document Template - Appendix 3
Taxonomy of Teaching and Learning Collaborative Provision
PGR Collaborative Partnership Renewal Process
Taxonomy of PGR Collaborative Provision
Taxonomy of PGR Collaborative Provision Appendix 1
Guidance for renewal of PGR collaborative partnerships
PGR collaboration renewal criteria
PGR collaborative partnership Self Evaluation Document
PGR collaborative partnership renewal request form
External adviser nomination form
Desk Based Pre-review Template
Taught Standard Annual Monitoring Report Template and Guidance
OfS Annual Monitoring Report Template and Guidance
OfS Metrics B3 AMR Summary of numerical threshold values
PGR Collaborative Partner Annual Monitoring
The University of Liverpool academic lead should discuss the proposed closure with the partner, relevant Faculty staff and AQSD. AQSD is responsible for drafting the termination letter to the partner. Faculty staff are required to consider teaching out arrangements and/or providing continued support to students who remain on the programme following closure of the partnership.
Other Enquiries
For Continuing Professional Development partnerships, please contact the CPD Team for advice on procedures.
For information about Study Abroad arrangements please contact the Study Abroad Team.