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A team led by OPIHAS Researcher Dr Peng Bao has been awarded runner up prize for the best project at AI4SD ML Summer School

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Congratulations! A team led by Dr. Peng Bao (Team members: Dr Masood Gheasi (University of Southampton) and Mr. Jack Macklin (University of Bath)) has been awarded runner-up prize for the best project at the AI4SD ML Summer School held at the University of Southampton.   

The AI4SD Summer School took place  from 20th - 24th June 2022 at the University of Southampton. Attendees were introduced to basic python programming, different areas of machine learning including mathematical foundations for ML, classification and clustering, kernel methods, introduction to deep learning and case studies in chemistry including reinforcement learning in chemistry. There were also upskilling presentations from scientists in other relevant areas including Group Management, Presentation Skills, Research Data Management, Referencing, LaTeX, GitHub and Ethics.

The Summer School finished with a hackathon where students competed in teams to solve the same problem in the best way. Dr Bao's team made a group presentation followed by completion of a short report for which they were awarded 2nd place. 

More information about the event can be found here