Prof. Raval, director of the OPIHAS, presenting our innovation strategy at “Making an Impact Week” event

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Making an impact week

Event: Hear from Innovate UK – Accelerating Innovation through the Industrial Strategy

University staff are invited to the fourth open event focused on accelerating innovation through the Industrial Strategy.

The event opens the Making an Impact Week and will take place on the 11th June from 11-1pm in the Leggate Theatre, Victoria Building.

The keynote speaker will be Dr Rick Holland, the Innovate UK Regional Manager for the North West of England, who will talk about the Government’s Industrial Strategy and associated funding opportunities.

The event will be hosted by Professor Anthony Hollander, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Impact and will also feature a presentation from Professor Raval on “Antimicrobial Surfaces: Innovation and Impact”, which will draw on a range of Innovate UK projects Prof Raval has been involved in over the past 3 years.

Refreshments will be served from 10.30-11.00 am in the VGM Waterhouse Café.

Please visit to register for the event. For any informal enquiries, or if you would like to meet Rick, please email: