Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks
The information below, regarding DBS checks, occupational health clearance and uniforms, applies to students enrolling on pre-registration undergraduate and masters programmes only.
It is essential that you complete these checks prior to arriving at university to start your chosen programme. Some clinical placements take place early on in the academic year and unless clearance has been received, students are unable to attend. If you are struggling with any aspect of the DBS application or submitting your Occupational Health questionnaire, please contact the Student Experience Team at SAHPNseo@liverpool.ac.uk. They will be able to help and offer advice.
You are required to complete an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) application.
This is a mandatory part of the induction process and you may have already received or will shortly receive a welcome email from the Student Experience Team with a link to the First Advantage online DBS portal and instructions on how to get started with your application. First Advantage are the company who facilitate our DBS checks and using the link provided in your welcome email will allow you to submit your online application and find instructions and guidance on how to complete and submit this.
These checks are compulsory and are paid for by the University.
Failure to complete this process satisfactorily and in a timely manner will delay any scheduled placement activity and could prevent you from progressing on the programme. Students who fail to complete this process within the first few weeks of study will be referred to a Professionalism Panel which could result in a recommendation that your studies be terminated.
Occupational Health screening
It is compulsory for all health profession students to undertake a health screening/immunisation programme when they commence their programme. Should students be asked to attend an appointment with the University’s Occupational Health department, they must attend, even if this conflicts with Welcome Week events or taught sessions.
The Department of Health recommends that all healthcare students should receive two MMR vaccinations before commencing training. Most of you will have received these in childhood. If so, you need take no further action. If you have not received one or both MMR vaccinations previously, please attend your NHS GP’s surgery and request these before enrolment. This will help to speed up the health clearance process once you arrive at the University. In the very rare event of a genuine medical contraindication for the MMR vaccine, you can discuss this with our Occupational Health Nurse during screening.
You should have already received an Occupational Health Questionnaire to complete and return to the Occupational Health Service of the University. If you have not received this communication please contact the Admissions Unit to request a duplicate copy by emailing sahpnadmissug@liverpool.ac.uk for UG programmes or sahpnadmisspg@liverpool.ac.uk for PG programmes.
Where required, appointments with the Occupational Health Service for health screening, obligatory immunisations and blood tests will be scheduled as soon as questionnaires are returned, it is therefore imperative that you complete the necessary documentation, and return the forms at the earliest possible opportunity. Failure to return these documents will result in a delay in obtaining occupational health clearance and will impact on your ability to undertake placements.
It is essential that your name and date of birth (the combination of which uniquely identify you) be entered on BOTH parts or the form will be invalid. This will lead to delays which could impact on your ability to go into Placement. For Nursing students, if your start date for placement is delayed, you may need to complete any outstanding time during your holiday period.
You should be aware that the information returned will be kept in confidence by the Occupational Health Service. A recommendation with regard to your fitness to train and any additional support you may need would be based on the health questionnaire and any subsequent occupational health screening tests.
Students are encouraged to scan completed health questionnaires and email these in PDF format to ohadmin@liverpool.ac.uk. Again, students who fail to complete this process within the first few weeks of study will be referred to a Progress Panel which could result in a recommendation that your studies be terminated.
Whilst on placement you are required to wear a uniform which is provided for you. The company we use to supply your uniforms have developed an online ordering portal with measuring guides etc and you must complete your online order as soon as possible once you are emailed the link to the ordering portal to enable your uniform to be delivered in time for the start of term.
The uniforms are purchased on your behalf by the University, so there is no fee to pay, however, please visit the link to the programme specific information for your individual programme on this webpage, where there are specific details as to additional items of uniform that you are required to purchase.