View across the city of Liverpool

Why Liverpool

Liverpool is an incredible place to live and study, with over 800 years of history, an international reputation for high-class sport, music, and architecture, and no end of other cultural experiences for students to take advantage of during their time in the city.

Learning environment

Study with us and you'll have every opportunity to hone your practical skills. We have a range of sophisticated simulation and clinical teaching spaces within the School. These enable our students to become familiar with specialist equipment in realistic environments and develop key skills, guided by our technical experts.

The School’s Florence Nightingale Suite is home to simulated hospital wards for our nursing students, as well as several occupational therapy clinical practice environments. They have been designed to mimic the challenges our students will likely face in their professional working lives.

Diagnostic Radiography and Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology students benefit from state-of-the-art facilities, including clinical imaging suites and virtual reality teaching facilities.

Our physiotherapy and orthoptics students benefit from the use of the Human Anatomy Resource Centre (HARC). HARC is a dedicated facility for teaching related to human biology, which is fitted with three dimensional recreations of human bodies, from our organs to our musculoskeletal systems.

Innovation in teaching

Our staff are consistently recognised for their innovation in learning and teaching. For example, in 2023 our 'On the Beach: VR mental wellbeing for students on placement' project was nominated for a Times Higher Education Award. The team developed a unique virtual reality (VR) tropical island environment to help address mental wellbeing issues faced by University students undertaking industrial and clinical placements. 

In 2022, Orthoptics lecturers Craig Murray and Jo Adeoye were part of a national team that won the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer Awards 2022 award in the ‘Creative provision of placement’ category for their ‘Clinical Placement expansion project (CPEP)’, which uses digital technology to increase access to authentic practice-based learning. 

Life on campus

Situated centrally on campus, the School of Allied Health Professions and Nursing is adjacent to the Quadrangle on Brownlow Hill, behind the Victoria Gallery and Museum on the North Campus. The School occupies the Thompson-Yates, Whelan and Johnston buildings.

Students on the Liverpool campus also have access to the newly refurbished Harold Cohen Library, the Liverpool Guild of Studentssports facilitieslearning resources and student support services. The University also offers a range of accommodation options, including newly developed, modern halls of residence at the heart of the campus.

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