Your password

Use University IT facilities and systems responsibly and with respect for other Users. You are responsible for all activity on your IT account, so keep your IT password secret, don't share your IT credentials with anyone (especially phishing scams), don't attempt to obtain or use anyone else's IT credentials.

By using University IT services, you agree to abide by the by the University of Liverpool IT Acceptable Use Policy

Need to change your password?

You can change your password wherever you have an internet connection from the change password webpage.

Reset your password

If you have forgotten your password and you can't reset your password online, call our IT Service Desk on +44 (0) 151 794 4567. You can only reset your password online if you have already set up an alternative email address.

Secret question

Forgotten or need to reset your secret question? Contact the IT Service Desk. We use this to verify who you are when you phone the IT Service Desk on +44 (0) 151 794 4567 to reset your password, 24/7. 

Alternate email address

Using a new gmail, hotmail or other email account? Please contact the IT Service Desk to update your alternate email address.

Your password must:

  • Be at least 12 characters long
  • Include a number 
  • Include both an upper and lower case letter

Your password can't:

  • Be easy to guess
  • Be a previous password
  • Be all numerical 
  • Be a normal dictionary word (forward or backward)
  • Be based on your username, surname or your old password
  • Use a space or any of these characters: . * : @ | # \ % , ; $ & £ < > + ' "
  • Be shared with anyone else

Tips on creating a 'strong' password  

We understand the problems we all have when creating a new password which is both strong and memorable. We don't have all the answers but here are some ideas that you can try:

  • Use the initial letters of a phrase. For example: Nhsmosmtsf (never have so many owed so much to so few). Song lyrics can be particularly good because if you decide to change your password you can move on to the next line of the song.
  • Include at least one symbol or number in the password, but preferably not just one at the end. Building on the above example Nhsm0smtsf.
  • If you happen to speak a language that is very different from English, you can try transliterating words from that language BUT Spanish, French and the other Latin languages won't do because many of their words are too similar to English; Welsh or Chinese would work well.
  • Use a familiar postcode (zip code), incorporating number or symbol combinations part way through - for example B170205068th - the postcode of a previous home (B17 8th) and the date my dog was born (020506).
  • Use a familiar car registration number of a friend or family member combined with other letters (e.g. the owner's initials) or numbers, for example PJ18UIKsmb - the car registration (PJ18UIK) and the owner's initials (smb).